Ranking Functions

Ranking function assigns a rank or sequence number to each row of the returned dataset in a partition. This function is nondeterministic means it may return different results each time it is called on the same dataset with same condition. For example, the GETDATE() is a nondeterministic as it always returns different value where as SUM() is deterministic as it always return same value on a specific dataset. There are four types of ranking function MSSQL Server:

    2. RANK
    3. NTILE(N)


1. ROW_NUMBER: It assigns a sequence number to each row serially.

2. RANK: It assigns a sequence number to each unique row. For duplicate value, it assigns same rank and skips next rank for next row.

3. NTILE(N): It groups the data based on supplied parameter and assigns a sequence number to same group.

4. DENSE_RANK: It groups the data based on supplied number and assigns a sequence number to same group. 

Let's see an example now:

First create a student table, insert value.

name varchar(20)
,marks int
,grade varchar(2)
INSERT INTO Students(name, marks, grade)
VALUES('Bob', 95, 'A+')
,('Joe', 50, 'F')
,('Jack', 89, 'A')
,('Ben', 85, 'A')
,('Holy', 93, 'A+')
,('Zill', 85, 'A')
,('Casper', 89, 'A')
,('Dan', 70, 'C')
,('Carrol', 95, 'A+')
,('Stokes', 70, 'C')
,('Archer', 63, 'D')

Now execute the select query:

SELECT name, marks, grade  
    ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY marks DESC) AS "Row Number"  
    ,RANK() OVER (ORDER BY marks DESC) AS Rank  
    ,DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY grade) AS "Dense Rank"  
    ,NTILE(4) OVER (ORDER BY grade) AS Quartile

FROM Students

The above select query will yield below result set.

Let's analyze it:

  1. ROW_NUMBER - it assigns a sequential value.
  2. RANK - For unique "marks", it generates a unique rank, for duplicate marks it assigns same rank and skips next rank.
  3. DENSE_RANK - Assigns same ranks for same "grade" value.
  4. NTILE - we split the data by "4" groups and assigns same ranks for same group based on grade.

Hope this will explain the ranking functions.

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